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 Rééquilibrage de certains archétypes

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Felicia Ombre'sha
Felicia Ombre'sha

Les jeux auxquels je joue : Final Fantasy XIV

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MessageSujet: Rééquilibrage de certains archétypes   Rééquilibrage de certains archétypes EmptyVen 29 Nov - 11:06

Pour l'instant, ce rééquilibrage va déjà avoir lieu en Corée. Il faudra attendre quelques semaines sans doute pour y avoir droit à notre tour.

Il concerne tous les personnages, sauf Hurk.
Dévoilé à l'occasion d'une interview d'un membre de devCAT, on y apprend qu'il n'y aura pas de nerf de l'archétype Hurk, jugé pourtant un petit peu trop fort par de nombreux joueurs coréens.

Ce revamp sera déployé cet hiver, sans date plus précise.

Je vous copie/colle la traduction anglaise effectuée par un joueur (Ainama) présent sur la version américaine du jeu. Pour l'instant, il ne s'agit que des modifications affectant les personnages féminins.

Citation :
1st set of character rebalance: Evie, Vella, Fiona
2nd set of character rebalance: Pillar Karok, etc

No nerf for Hurk planned yet.

These are planned during this winter.

They detailed what's coming during the 1st rebalance, which follow below.

Names of new skills can be different when they arrive here.


* New SP skill Shield Rush
Can be used twice in a row, moving a distance comparable to Shield Charge. Small SP cost & cooldown.
Damage & range for Focal Point improved.
Can use Focal Point (Sprinkle Camellia) after using this skill by pressing smash. If used this way, SP cost is reduced in half and the skill motion is faster.

* Shield Charge
Does damage 4 times (with less damage) as opposed to 1 large damage. If you hit all 4 hits, it does more damage than before.
After finishing, you go into Slashing High status.

* Taunt
Instead of getting bosses just once, the boss will keep attacking the Fiona for a certain duration.

* New SP skill Shield Enhancement (Longsword + Small Shield only)
During the duration, the 2nd hit of Counter Attack's damage is greatly increased
This makes double counter stronger than PG + Amaranth spam.

* Long Hammer's 3rd smash during Slashing High modified
After the 1st spin of Butterfly, a new smash motion is added.
This has better movement distance & damage, and can be used up to twice.
After these 2 smashes, you go into Stigma Hammer, and this will charge more than twice faster than the usual Stigma.

* You can no longer charge Stigma unless using after the 3rd smash combos in Slashing High

* Long Hammer's 0th smash's damage & SP gain greatly increased

* Long Hammer's normals' range increased


* Casting Save fixed and can be used during running / recovery animations

* New SP skill Continuous Focus
During the duration, if you use focus, you enter right into the tier of spell you just used.
For instance, if you used a tier 4 spell and you use focus the next time, you enter focus tier 4 right away.

* Magic Arrow's SP gain increased

* Some spells that didn't crit can now crit

* Stamina is regenerated during Mana Amber

* Short invul frames added when you release Mana Amber (not when it breaks from damage, though)


* Cross Cut activates for attacks coming from all directions

* Cross Stance can be activated right after a Cross Cut

* Blade Heart is no longer reset when you get hit / use Cross Cut, but goes down 1 level.

* If you hit full charge Gust Sting, you enter Blade Heart lv3 instantly.

* New SP skill Blade Will
During the duration, Blade Heart is kept at lv3

* Typhoon Slash activation (LRR) is improved
You need to hold R for a while to activate Typhoon Slash so that you don't activate it when you try to spam LR
When used with LRR command, the monster pulling motion is skipped and you attack immediately. You can enter right into 4th smash after this.

* Gust Sting activating right after a Storm Step was problematic in many situations.
Instead, 2nd smash now activates after a Storm Step. Pressing smash after this will go into Gust Sting.
(I think they actually meant Slipaway here instead of Gust Sting, but that's what they wrote. But then the 2nd smash going into Gust Sting is pretty stupid, so honestly idk)

* Tumult Blade still does not crit. This was an intended feature.
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Felicia Ombre'sha
Felicia Ombre'sha

Les jeux auxquels je joue : Final Fantasy XIV

Rééquilibrage de certains archétypes Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Rééquilibrage de certains archétypes   Rééquilibrage de certains archétypes EmptySam 30 Nov - 2:03

Voici une traduction d'autrement meilleure qualité de cette interview, que l'on doit à un site réputé pour son travail en la matière sur des MMO coréens, World Wide Game Watchers :

World Wide Game Watchers a écrit:
Season 1 is going to be adjusted in order to smooth out the leveling process for new players. This will also bring changes to some of the details of the story for season 1. Not a lot though, as the ending will remain the same. [for example; instead of encountering kobolds in Hoarfrost by coincidence, the player will be on an official mission from the Royal Army.
Map sectors for season 1 will also be reduced in order to decrease the time it takes to reach the boss of each battle.
The reason for planning new adjustments for characters was because old characters were having trouble handling new battles with their current functionality.
The adjustments will come in two separate updates and those first in line are Fiona, Evie, and Vella. [Pillar Karok will come in the second update]

The devs found that the biggest problem with Fiona was that the process of swinging normal attacks for a smash took so long that normal mobs are dead and bosses tend to move away before she can attack.
To handle this problem they implemented a new skill: Shield Dash
Shield Dash is a skill for dashing at a quick speed. This skill can be used twice for each use and the distance two dashes cover is equivalent of a Shield Charge. It is an SP skill but can be used easily since it consumes little SP and has a short cooldown.
Along with Shield Dash, Focal Point has been adjusted so that it will cover a wider range and deal more damage. Focal Point will also be able to be used in conjunction with Shield Dash.
When used with Shield Dash, Focal Point will consume half of its original SP cost and the preparation motion will be skipped thus allowing a quick attack. This combo, with the improved Focal Point, will greatly aid in fighting normal monsters and bosses that tend to move a lot.
Shield Charge has been adjusted as well. It currently deals damage only once, but the adjusted version will deal damage four times with less damage for each hit. Of course, getting in all four hits will result in higher damage than before. Additionally, Slashing High will be applied after Shield Charge.
The taunt for large shield has been adjusted to draw attacks from the boss for a certain time period opposed to a single attack. The current method doesn’t have much impact compared to Karok’s Shout, which can be used for Clash.
Long Sword will receive a new small shield SP skill, Shield Enhance. An SP skill that applies a buff that increases the damage of Fiona’s second counter attack for its duration. This is meant to be used for bosses that only give a small timeframe to attack or those that move constantly.
Although using Counter Attack while Shield Enhance is up will deal more damage than Amaranth Kick, as it is an SP skill, it can’t be spammed thus used strategically.
Long Hammer will be adjusted to have its playstyle more centered on Slashing High. The follow-up smash for Butterfly Swing will be changed while Slashing High is up.
Butterfly Swing’s follow-up smash will stay the same without Slashing High. While Slashing High is up the follow-up smash will be changed to a different attack with wider range, better mobility, and more damage. But it can only repeat twice, and after that the last follow-up smash is Stigma Hammer which can be charged at twice the speed it currently charges.
Normal Stigma Hammer can’t be charged though. The only way to charge Stigma Hammer after the adjustment will be as a follow up smash after Butterfly Swing with Slashing High on.
Honeybee Sting’s damage and SP gain will be greatly increased. When you’re low on SP while waiting for a chance to attack you can use Honeybee Sting to deal damage and quickly stack SP.
Long Hammer’s normal swings will have a wider range than the weapon’s actual length like smashes. This is intended to aid Long Hammers in handling normal monsters.

-Staff Evie
The Casting Save system has been adjusted to further aid Staff Evie’s difficulty in handling bosses with a lot of movement.
Saved spells can be used while moving and, unlike now, saved spells can be casted during the finishing motion after casting a spell. So with this change a Staff Evie can cast a spell with Focus and then chain saved spells resulting in a 4-spell combo.
In addition, a new buff SP skill named Focus Streak will be added. This buff allows Evie to start Focus on the same level as the spell she just casted.
For example if Evie casts a fourth tier Focus spell with Focus Streak up, holding on to the smash button will have her immediately start a new Focus on the fourth tier. Focus Streak will allow Staff Evies to deliver massive nukes when used in conjunction with the newly adjusted Casting Save system.
In order to allow Staff Evie to afford extra SP in the midst of using Reverse Gravity and other existing SP skills, the SP gain from Magic Arrow will be buffed. Some spells that can’t crit will be able to crit further adding to Stavff Evie’s damage potential.
One of Staff Evie’s weakness was difficulty in managing stamina but this will be addressed by allowing stamina to regenerate while maintaining Mana Amber.
The required stamina to use Mana Amber remains the same but, since stamina will be generated while it’s up, Evie will have stamina to react to a boss charging towards her after swatting away the Mana Amber.
A short invulnerability frame has been added to the recovery motion after breaking Amber. This invulnerability frame will not be applied when the Mana Amber is broken from damage and will only be available when Evie releases it or when its duration is over.

-Dual Sword Vella
With the addition of bosses that attack from various directions[like Bark MK1], the current method of using Cross Cut was deemed to be difficult and thus Cross Cut can be used from attacks coming from any direction.
In addition, Cross stance can be used right after Cross Cut in order to deal with quick combo attacks more smoothly. For example, currently Keaghan’s 4-hit combo has to be dealt by getting out of range or delaying the use of Cross Double. But after the adjustment you can get right in to Cross Stance after Cross Cut and use Cross Cut again and thus use Cross Cut four times in a row.
Blade Heart will be easier to maintain. Currently flinching or using Cross Cut removes Blade Heart completely but after the adjustment Blade Heart will only lose one stack.
This will increase overall damage and also allow Blade Heart to be kept up while chaining Cross Cuts. Also, a full charged Gust Swing will grant 3 stacks of Blade Heart if it hits.
A new SP skill; Blade Will has been added. Blade Will gives you a buff that allows you to maintain three stacks of Blade Heart which won’t diminish even if you flinch or use Cross Cut.
The smash button needs to be pressed down for a moment to activate Typhoon Slash after using 1hit smash in order to avoid accidental use. Furthermore, a Typhoon Slash activated in this manner will skip the motion for drawing in monsters and go right in to its attack motion. This attack can be followed up with a 4hit smash by pressing the smash button again.
Storm Step had the problem of being followed by Gust Sting* which placed Vella in a risky situation so Vella’s 2hit smash will be used after Storm Step. And Gust Sting* can still be used after the 2hit smash if the player wants to.
*[afkalmighty : I’m pretty sure they meant Tumult Blade, which is called Gusty Blade in KR]
There were a lot of questions about Gusty Blade not being able to crit but this is intended due to the nature of the attack being a shockwave from slamming the ground.

There are no plans to change Hurk as he is still a new character and they still need to see how the adjustments for other characters work out.

There will be another wave of character adjustments within the winter but details on characters not mentioned in the interview can’t be shared due to still being under development.

As this adjustment is intended for PvE balance, PvP balance will be addressed in the future.

As each developer had their own favorite character, it was only natural for there to be conflicts concerning with how each character will be adjusted. The project manager mentioned that as long as they were adding Shield Dash, he wanted to go all out and make its range three times of what it is now but wasn’t able to go through with that wish.

The interview for episode 4 will be revealed on December 4rth.
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